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Experts in building and designing Magento Websites

As a Magento web development agency, we build eCommerce platforms that have limitless potential. In the hands of our developers, your website can be customised to give you the flexibility you need to market your products and services online. Whatever the size of your business, Magento can support your eCommerce shop.

With such a wide range of technical capabilities at our fingertips, the challenge is to focus on what you want to achieve through your website. Your business goals will drive the development of the online platform to deliver what you need.   

Selling bespoke or personalised products online is one of our specialities. These types of projects create a unique set of challenges. Being able to think differently enables us to build workable solutions for your business.

Magento Agency
Magento Agency

Build an online shop to showcase your
business and generate sales

There are different elements to consider when creating your eCommerce website. 1PCS have been building online shops for over 20 years and can guide you through the process.


The presentation of your website is an important part of the delivery. Building your credibility and being a recognised online supplier. Design is about the technical elements and the look of your website. To create the right impression you need high-resolution images and quality video content.

Sales process

Define your purchase experience through the presentation of your products and the easy navigation of your website. A crucial element that will impact the number of enquiries and sales you complete. Technology is also available to identify abandoned baskets with tools to convert these into sales.


Magento delivers an integrated online shopping experience that gives your customers an exceptional digital encounter. It becomes a one-stop-shop for all your eCommerce needs. Sales and marketing combine to enable you to manage an integrated approach to your content, which includes building a complete CRM system.

SEO management

As an eCommerce shop, you need to be found easily by your customers. The Magento platform takes a structured approach to SEO, helping to boost your rankings. We also offer to maintain and update with regular search engine optimisation to support your visibility.

Mobile friendly

Consumers increasingly shop using their mobile phones, which is why our eCommerce websites are enabled for mobile technology. This particular function is prone to glitches but we make sure this element is always working. This is an integral part of our service and is included in user testing before a website is launched.

Increasing sales

Offering special discounts for a period on certain products - an opportunity to increase traffic to your website and to encourage regular visits. Setting up a wish list of products visitors are interested in buying, will also help. Highlighting related items when they make a purchase can also generate more sales. All capabilities we can build into an eCommerce shop.

ecommerce website design

An eCommerce platform to grow with your business

Building your online shop on Magento will give you complete control of the shopping experience. Working with our team of experienced developers there are no limits to what is possible.

Our eCommerce platforms are scalable and can grow with your business. System administration that sits at the back end of a website can support multiple shops. This allows you to control orders, the shipping, delivery and manage your inventories. The ability to integrate a range of digital tools and functions further enhances the functionality.  

Magento Support

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Magento Developers

Support and maintenance

Magento support and maintenance

An important part of the service we offer is to help and support you with the maintenance of your website. Once a site is launched there is ongoing activity to ensure the website performance is consistent. As your business grows, we can also help you with the development.   

If your website currently operates on a Magento platform and you’re experiencing issues, we can help. A free diagnostic report will show you where the problems are and we can talk to you about how to solve them. Many of our customers have come to us this way and stay because of the support they receive.

Support and maintenance

Frequently asked questions

What can I expect to pay for a custom-built website?

It will depend on what you want to achieve through your website. Because we build a wide range of websites, the design and functionality vary. Some of our customers want a stylish branded platform to showcase their business while others want a specialist online shop to increase sales and revenue. It’s best to have a chat first and go from there.

Is there a difference between web design and web development?

Yes, the two phrases are often used together but they do cover different aspects. If you want a website design this will entail working on the overall look, feel and visitor navigation. The presentation will mirror your logo and company branding. Web development will include building bespoke functions and systems for a specific purpose. This is a lot more specialist, but something our in-house development team can deliver.

How long does it take you to build a website?

This will depend on the website requirements. Once the specification has been agreed with you and a development slot has been booked, we can estimate a realistic timescale that meets your goals. This involves using our 32 point checklist where every element of your website is tested before being launched.

Our Work

Case Studies

Lift Mini Cranes

Looking to grow online? We can help

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