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5 Reasons For Businesses To Use Google Ads

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Whether it is an E-Commerce business or a high street shop, Google Ads offers advantages for all types of businesses and industries. Google Ads campaigns when delivered successfully can provide a high return on investment.

Google Ads provides precise targeting to reach potential customers who have a high intent on making a purchase or finding out more information. Combined with the ability to look at detailed reporting, further building on successful results to drive a higher return on ad spend.

When any business is creating or reviewing its marketing plan, there are many reasons why Google Ads are an impactful and flexible solution to include as part of the marketing mix. Our blog post will look at the top benefits and why Google Ads can help your business grow.


What is Google Ads?

First, let’s recap how Google Ads works. Google Ads (previously known as Google Adwords) are provided by the leading search engine Google which are delivered in their Google search network. Featuring not only on Google search pages but also across the Google display network such as within YouTube videos and Gmail.

The Google Ads which most would be familiar with, are when shown on the search results page. Typically shown as the first 2-3 links at the top of the first page, with the organic search results showing below. 

They are shown as a result of the search queries and keywords entered by visitors into Google. When the relevant keywords for example are entered, that is when a Google Ad would be shown.

Similar to other online advertising options, Google Ads operate as a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) model. This means as a business you only pay once the advert is clicked, not when the advert is shown on the search results page.

Types of Google Ads

When creating a Google Ad campaign there are different advert types which can be considered for the Google Ads platform. This includes Google search ads, Google Display Ads and Google shopping ads and can feature within Google Maps for example when it is a local search.

Depending on the placements a campaign can feature multiple ads which may vary in type from image ads to video ads for the ad group. We cover this in more detail below, however, continuously testing and optimising the Google Ads for the advertising campaigns against the objectives is recommended.

From the findings, this may impact not only bidding strategies and keyword planning but also the best type of ad placement and actual ad type delivering the best results to fine-tune further.

Lead Generation

There are billions of searches made every day on Google with visitors trying to find solutions to their problems or queries. Think back to the last week and how often you conducted a search yourself on Google. We do it more often than we think, it has become part of daily life for most to search on Google to find information.

With that in mind, any business can likely benefit from using Google Ads. It is important to choose the right search terms and take the time to do keyword research so that the ad campaign uses keywords relevant to your products and services.

By using relevant keywords in the Google Ads campaign it will help to feature your Google ads when someone searching on Google is looking for a product or service you offer. Giving them a solution to their problem within the search engine results page.

Google ads are only shown to people who are in need of your business and they typically tend to have a high intent to buy. With the use of broad keywords, brand awareness can be increased, along with more specific keywords bringing in leads of visitors usually in need of a solution imminently. This is what makes Google Ads such a powerful tool to generate high-quality leads.

5 reasons for businesses to use Google Ads - Lead Generation

Precision Targeting

When compared to other advertising campaigns such as magazine adverts or local advertising, the Google Ads level of targeting which can be achieved reaches a whole new height. Right from your first Google Ad, targeting can be as broad or as precise as you wish.

Google Ads offer targeting not only for demographics etc. but right down to detail such as the browser, location and device. This also includes the target keywords themselves, which could include broad keywords such as ‘Accountant’ which will show to a larger audience.

Alternatively, long tail keywords such as ‘Best accountant near me offering Zero software support’ will likely provide a smaller number of times the Google Ad appears on the search results page. However, this could lead to the perfect website visitors clicking the Ad who are ready to make an enquiry, such as completing a contact form.

This ability to target right down to which device your target audience is using can help to deliver a high return on ad spend, by creating an advanced bidding strategy and approach to providing high-quality leads and conversions for your business.


Google Ads allow for ad spend budgets to be increased and decreased. This can be an overall budget, daily budget, or include a maximum individual keyword bid if needed. It offers flexibility to adjust budgets once you have reviewed the results.

This could be used to increase the Ad spend for the best-performing Google Ads or if there is a lower-performing Google Ad it can be paused or stopped altogether.

The control and functionality of Google Ads make it adaptable to scale with ease after the first Google Ads are run, tested and optimised. Once a business has proven results, it is an effective marketing tool to be able to scale that success.

Therefore, as and when a business is ready to grow even further and has the capacity to do so within the team, the spend can be increased to bring in more leads or sales from the Google Ad campaign.

Swift Results And Knowledge

One of the great benefits of Google Ads is how immediate the results can be. Once the Google Ads are made live, from that very moment your ads will be seen on the search results pages. 

This can be a great advantage for newer businesses who may not yet be seeing the full impact of an SEO campaign. Or equally, it would suit businesses looking for immediate growth for the business.

These results when looking at the reporting from Google Ads, for example, the conversion tracking can feed directly into making adjustments and improvements to your search engine optimisation.

As another example, if the Google Ads tested resulted in a particular keyword or search terms delivering the highest return on ad spend. This would then provide the knowledge to have a higher focus on the same for the SEO campaign.

Both SEO and Google Ads can work incredibly well together to drive results from both organic search results and paid search results to increase website traffic and conversions. This approach could make a big impact to stand out ahead of your competitors.

Ability To Optimise Results

Google Ads are black and white, there is no guesswork in identifying where your spend went and how it performed. Detailed reporting can be completely broken down for Google Ads. The reason this is a benefit is the ability it provides to test and optimise, to further improve your results and conversions.

This includes being able to look at the quality score, ad groups, landing pages and right down to location, device and browser to identify the results it is delivering. For example, if you are looking to increase enquiries and sales, then conversion tracking will be an important metric to build in.

With the findings, and due to the flexibility Google Ads offers, it allows for the specific ads and targeting to perform the best and be further maximised.

For example, it could be a particular location or identifying where most leads are coming from Google Ads being viewed on mobile. The ad spend could then be increased in the most successful areas.

Google Ads work best by taking the time to regularly test, monitor and optimise across the Google Ad campaigns to be able to achieve the best return on ad spend.

How Can We Help?

We hope our blog post was helpful to see just some of the top reasons why a business can benefit from using Google Ads. They are a proven way when delivered successfully to increase leads and conversions for businesses from many industries.

At 1PCS Creative we are a Google Partner which gives us the right expertise and knowledge to deliver impactful and results driven Google Ad campaigns. Please feel free to get in touch with one of our team to discuss how we can help your business.

Ben Webster

Creative director at 1PCS. Addicted to design, SEO, pizza and helping companies big and small succeed online.

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Ben Webster

Creative director at 1PCS. Addicted to design, SEO, pizza and helping companies big and small succeed online

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