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Are Google Ads Worth It?

Are Google Ads worth it

When choosing where to invest your ad spend for your digital marketing Google Ads are a worthwhile investment. Our blog post will look at specific reasons why Google Ads should be used when you are ready to grow your business by providing increased leads and sales.

Previously known as Google Adwords, Google Ads continue to deliver impressive results for their return on ad spend across multiple industries and sectors. Google is by far the largest search network with it being reported every second an additional 40,000 searches are made on Google.

In fact recent reports stated there are over 1.2 trillion searches made per year on Google. Within these incredible statistics will be your potential customers which can be targeted with Google Ads at the right time, when they are searching for your product or service.

Below we look at different reasons why Google Ads are worth it.

Ben Webster

Creative director at 1PCS. Addicted to design, SEO, pizza and helping companies big and small succeed online.

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Immediate Results

As soon as your Google Ads Campaigns are set up to go live you will likely begin to see an instant increase in website traffic to your landing pages from your Google Ads. Which will quickly begin to generate leads which are relevant for your Google Advert objectives.

Whether that be to increase sign ups to your newsletter, generate enquiries, direct more traffic to your physical shop or web pages to make a purchase.

Google Ads work differently to SEO which whilst an essential tool to include in your marketing strategy, it is best to use both Google Ads and SEO together. As SEO forms part of a longer term strategy due to needing longer to see results.

The ad spend put behind Google Ads campaigns will be rewarded much quicker. Perfect if you are looking to promote a new range or service or ready to grow your business now at your pace.

Are Google Ads worth it - immediate results

Flexible Advertising Platform

When Google Adwords first launched the paid search format was based on text ads. Google have come a long way since then with any advert you can imagine likely to be possible, meaning any industry can flexibly utilise different ad formats tailored to their industry or target audience.

The advertising platform is not limited only to Google Search. You can also advertise within other advertising platforms which Google own and are affiliated with. Some examples of where your Google Ads may be seen include Google maps ideal for local businesses wanting to target based on location.

Another option is Google Shopping which would suit businesses with a wide range of products available to purchase on their website. Within shopping ads on the Google shopping tab high resolution photography can be included, you aren’t limited purely to text only.

Budget Control

Google Ads helps you to always be in control of your Google ad spend. When planning your digital marketing strategy Google Ads are PPC ads which allow you to set a daily budget and a maximum bid cost. So you never have to worry about overspending on your paid ads. You are always in complete control, there are no hidden costs.

Once you start to see results coming in for your Google Ad campaign and you have tested and optimised your Google Ads, we recommend to adjust your ad spend. The Google Ads Platform provides the ability to easily scale your budget, so once you are ready to take on more enquiries and sales, the ad spend can be increased. With higher budget given to the the best performing Google Ads from your Google Ads Account.

Are Google Ads worth it - budget control

Results Driven

If you have been considering comparing Google Ads vs Facebook Ads, both are effective online advertising methods to increase your awareness, reach new customers and potential customers to ultimately generate more leads and sales for your business.

Both offer the ability to be specific with your target audience including interests, demographics and location. However as Google Ads are pay per click advertising you only pay when internet users click on your advert through to your landing page from the search engine results page.

It is also possible to reduce your cost per click by ensuring your ad copy uses relevant keywords and users have a positive experience on your landing page to ensure a high ad quality score, which in turn lowers the cost per click.

Increased Conversion Probability

With the right keyword research, target audience, ad quality score and ad rank your Google Ad campaigns will not be seen as a sales tactic to your potential customers. Your business will be solving their problem. Ad campaigns are only shown to internet users for the relevant keywords from their search query.

For example imagine you need your boiler servicing and therefore use Google as your search engine to look for ‘Plumber boiler service near me’. Within the Google search results it will show the organic search results, along with Google Ads which are positioned above the organic search results.

When Google Ads use the right targeted keywords for the relevant ad groups with impactful and relevant content, the result isn’t just a lead. It is high quality lead from potential customers looking for your business right now to provide the solution to their search queries, therefore their probability to convert is much higher.

Are Google Ads worth it - increased conversion probability

Data Driven Decisions

Regardless of whether it is small businesses or brands with large marketing budgets, Google Ads can constantly be improved to increase their worth to the business. Google Ads allows you to look at reporting data on an advanced level to help test and optimise to improve the return on ad spend.

Once the data is analysed which will include click through rate, keyword search volume, cost per click, location and device specific results e.g. mobile ads. Even right down to the ad type such as ad extensions, Google display network or Google search ads. Google Ads users can also connect to their Google Analytics account to compare how the Google Ads perform against the organic search results.

The above provides the right knowledge to decide which areas to focus on going forward. Google Ads retargeting is a powerful tactic to remind customers who have previously visited your website about your products with the intention to convert them with your Google Ads. This is just one tactic to utilise from your results data, there are many other which can be tested too.

How can we help?

We hope our blog post has helped to show that Google Ads continue to be worthwhile investing in for your digital marketing strategy.

As a Google Partner our team at 1PCS Creative are experienced delivering Google Ads campaigns achieving a high return on ad spend across different industries and sectors. Feel free to get in touch with one of the team who would be happy to discuss further with you.


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Ben Webster

Creative director at 1PCS. Addicted to design, SEO, pizza and helping companies big and small succeed online

Need some help? Pop me an email [email protected]


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