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Guide To Managing Your Social Media Effectively

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Social media is an essential part of any marketing strategy to build brand awareness, trust and loyalty from your potential and existing customers. With there being many social media platforms to consider, which all have different audiences and approaches needed, it is important to have effective social media management for your business.

Social media management will impact on how your brand and business is perceived by your audience and followers. This includes the content which is created and shared on each platform from Facebook to LinkedIn. To how you also respond to comments, direct messages and shares of your content.

As part of having an effective social media management in place it includes the need for regular testing of new approaches, deep analysis of your audience, platform and reporting. This will help to improve your social media efforts to achieve a stronger social media presence.

Our blog post will look at the different areas to consider when thinking of your social media management. Along with recommendations to make the most of the possibilities to build stronger and personal relationships with your customers on social media.

Gemma Headshot Author

Gemma Finch

Social Media & Paid Ad Specialist at 1PCS Creative. Love engaging and impactful social content, family time with my little girl and helping companies grow and build their presence online. 

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Understand your audience and platforms

Whether using social media channels is new to your business or being posting already, it is important to run a social media audit of various areas to ensure have a deep understanding. This includes both your potential target audience and the social media platforms themselves.

If already posting on social media recommend reviewing your social media analytics to identify how it is performing already, looking for trends of what type of content works well and is engaging for your audience and followers. This can be monitored with various engagement reporting tools, including accounting for likes, comments and shares.

It could be that notice particular topics, type of content creation or graphical style although used in across multiple accounts, had better engagement on a particular social media platform.

When planning social media marketing strategy it is important to know your target audience and what they like to interact with, which we will cover more below in content creation. This could be by looking at data analysis for your current social media accounts or from your sales team of existing customers.

By knowing your audience this will help social media marketers to know the social channels they are likely to be present on. From this it can be identified what same content typically performs well on each platform and if will align with your business objectives.

For example, Instagram is typically for visual content, therefore impactful photography or short form videos would like be useful to schedule content with.

Content Creation

Creating a social media content strategy for your various social media profiles is important to ensure it reflects what your audience is looking for on each social network. Once decided from the social media audit the right different social media platforms for your business, it is deciding the right content ideas.

Depending on the platform it will impact your social media planning, as you may need to test different ideas in your social media content to identify what achieves the best engagement and reaction from your social media followers.

As part of your content calendar this could include photography, short or long form video formats or graphic based. Such as including branded testimonials or ‘did you know?’ tips and advice.

When scheduling posts experiment with different days and times to see if any particular trend that works well for your content. It is recommended as part of your editorial calendar to create a mixture of content styles and approaches to benefit your business’s social media presence.

Social media users have plenty of content pulling in their attention, so when create social media posts yours needs to stand out ahead of the rest to capture their focus with your marketing efforts.

Engagement Management

As part of managing social media it is essential to be responsive to anyone adding a comment, sharing, tagging your business social media accounts or sending a direct message. In the same way if you didn’t return a potential customers’ call it would impact negatively on their view of your business.

The same applies to social accounts, particularly as comments are public so can impact not just an individual but a wider audience.

Any engagement needs to be responded to in a timely manner and in the right tone of voice too for your business. For example if received brand mentions, plan to share promptly to your social media page with a personalised comment to build a deeper connection with your audience. Along with commenting to thank them for the user generated content.

Managing multiple social networks can take time, so it is important to have a regular time blocked in your work schedule to routinely check on your engagement and social listening to then respond in a meaningful way.

With customer relationship management even if receive negative feedback, if responded to correctly as opposed to ignored, it can actually build on that relationship and improve brand perception on your marketing channels. It can show you listen to customer feedback and take it on board, whilst providing a positive solution for that customer.

Social Media Ads

When manage social media accounts this can include both organic content creation across various social media networks, plus depending on your business objectives social media ads too. Utilising ad spend towards running adverts which can speed up the process of reaching a wider and new social media audience.

Adverts can be shown to your target audience helping to raise brand awareness for your business, along with the opportunity to increase conversions and enquiries. This can be delivered on relevant social accounts such as Facebook and Instagram.

It is important to consider both the organic content and paid ads when come to schedule posts. They both are visible and should align with your brand tone of voice, style and personality.

So that there is unison and consistency across all your content on your social media profiles. This will help to build genuine and strong relationships with both new and existing customers.

Similar to above social media listening is important here too, with quick and helpful responses to any engagement received for your paid ads.

Guide To Managing Your Social Media Effectively - Social Media Ads


Monitoring social media performance on a regular basis with a routine social media report is an essential part to managing any social media, whether it is for one or multiple social media accounts.

From the reporting with the use of social media tools it can provide relevant information to identify what worked well and to build upon for your social media content calendar.

For example, it could be particular types of content such as short form videos generate the highest engagement or notice a pattern with the time and day posting content to take into account for your social media strategy going forward.

Regular social media monitoring to analyse the data and findings allow for the flexibility to test different and new concepts to identify if they work well or not for your business.

When managing social media without knowing how your social media profiles are performing will limit being able to maximise and optimise the opportunities social media brings for businesses.

We hope our blog post was useful to understand further the importance of managing social media effectively and provide helpful guidance on the right approach.

There are many factors that come into play when manage social media accounts which are essential to get right to deliver the best results with your audience.

At 1PCS Creative we save time for our customers with our social media management service. We can take care of everything for you, from the content creation for your social media strategy to responding promptly to any comments or direct messages.

Along with providing a monthly report on how your social accounts are performing. If you would like to discuss how we can help, please feel free to get in touch with one of our team.

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Gemma Headshot Author

Article By

Gemma Finch

Social Media & Paid Ad Specialist at 1PCS Creative. Love engaging and impactful social content, family time with my little girl and helping companies grow and build their presence online.

Need some help? Pop me an email [email protected]


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