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New Feature On Instagram: Broadcast Channels

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Instagram have launched a new feature, Broadcast channels. The aim of this new update is to enable a deeper community connection with followers.

Giving the opportunity to share exclusive content, gain opinions, real time reactions and share behind the scenes to build a strong community amongst members to your Broadcast channel.

Our blog post will look at what Broadcast channels are on Instagram, how to utilise this new sharing opportunity to create the biggest impact and who it would be best suited to.

Gemma Headshot Author

Gemma Finch

Social Media & Paid Ad Specialist at 1PCS Creative. Love engaging and impactful social content, family time with my little girl and helping companies grow and build their presence online. 

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What are Broadcast Channels?

Instagram owned by Meta released Broadcast Channels globally in February 2023, however in the UK it has only been released in September 2023. Broadcast channels are situation within your direct messages.

It provides a streamlined method to share updates with your followers on social media. Messages shared are one way from the broadcaster to those choosing to follow the channel.

However, it is aimed to be highly interactive to build a community, as followers can react with emojis on each broadcast and complete polls too in real time. With more interactive tools planned in the works for future updates, which we cover more below.

On a Broadcast channel within the messages to members of the channel, you can share voice notes, photos, videos, text and polls.

Enabling the ability to give a real insight and exclusive updates. It isn’t aimed to be a way of purely pushing promotions, it is aimed for those ready to build on their community.

Impactful Broadcasts

With the release of Broadcast channels, when initially set up and have shared that first broadcast in your channel. Your followers will be sent a one-time notification to invite them to the channel, auto generated by Instagram.

Therefore, that first broadcast needs to be impactful to give them a reason to become a member to the channel. Examples so far with early adopters show sharing personable and exclusive content is effective.

This could be a voice note to your followers welcoming them to the channel and sharing what to expect if they become a member. Or it could be an exclusive look behind the scenes at a launch coming up, which you wouldn’t have shared within your main posts or stories on social media.

To increase the chances of keeping and growing a strong community, members to the Broadcast channel will want to feel included and valued. For now, reactions to broadcasts can be given with emojis due to being one way communication.

If followers do not accept from the on-time invite, there are other ways social media users can find your Broadcast channel. The option is provided to include it within your bio. Along with including a link within your stories to promote becoming a member.

New Feature On Instagram Broadcast Channels - First broadcast

Future Potential Updates

As this is a new update for Instagram, currently specific elements are being tested. However, there are plans to expand on how it will be used in the future. With the aim to make it more interactive, reach a wider audience and create a community.

Meta have shared plans on other areas they are experimenting with and will potentially roll out. This includes:

  • Allowing content moderators to manage the channel, something which help with the day to day running of a Broadcast channel.

  • Ability to invite collaborators to your broadcast. Giving an opportunity both ways to access a different and wider audience.

  • Being able to ask questions of channel members. Providing you with real time feedback and insight into your audience. Whilst making them feel included and considered.

  • Rather than broadcasts being among personal direct messages, a separate tab may be created specifically for the Broadcast channels Instagram users are members of.

  • To help grow the Broadcast channel, you may be able to share preview links so your page followers can get a feel for what they can gain from your channel.

  • The option to set expiration dates on broadcasts for temporary channels. This would come in useful to encourage followers to join or for sharing an exclusive promotion.

Who can have a Broadcast Channel?

Currently Broadcast channels are available specifically to Creator accounts. Therefore, personal account and business accounts do not have this option.

This is because Broadcast channels are aimed at being able to help Creators on Instagram the ability to share even more exclusive content and updates within the community they have built and are growing.

Creator accounts are often influencers or personal brands, usually without the original intent of monetising from their efforts. Whereas business accounts have more functionality available and reporting controls which will suit their aims and goals better.

New Feature On Instagram Broadcast Channels - Content

Business Focus

For business accounts on Instagram, there are learnings which can be taken from the direction Meta has taken with the creation of Broadcast channels.

Trends have shown that social media users want to feel they are getting a personable and deeper insight into your business, posting content they wouldn’t likely see elsewhere.

This can be achieved within your social media strategy, with content such as behind the scenes, meet the team and early product updates and launches. Along with asking for their point of view.

To have the community feel like the aim with Broadcast channels, ensuring to always respond timely and in a personal approach to any comments on posts and in direct message is important. This can build trust and loyalty from your followers. 

It is exciting to see the updates and changes Instagram are making for Creators. However, businesses can make a huge impact without a Broadcast channel by delivering an effective and impactful social media strategy tailored to your audience and followers.

We hope you found our blog post useful to learn more about Broadcast channels on Instagram. If you are a business looking to improve your impact on social media or struggling for the time to share content regularly, we can happily help.

At 1PCS Creative we provide social media management which includes the strategy, content creation, scheduling, community responses and reporting. If you would like us to review your social media, please feel free to get in touch with one of our team. 

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Article By

Gemma Finch

Social Media & Paid Ad Specialist at 1PCS Creative. Love engaging and impactful social content, family time with my little girl and helping companies grow and build their presence online.

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